A student is expected to pursue an independent research program for each degree under the guidance of a major professor.
The M.S. program can be completed in about two years. Thirty semester credit hours, including 6-10 research thesis hours, are required.
The Ph.D. degree program is administered by a Supervisory Committee approved by the Department Graduate Committee and the Office of Graduate Studies. Course work and dissertation research areas are developed by the student and the major professor and must be approved by the Supervisory Committee. One-half of the Ph.D. program (90 credit hours total beyond the B.S. degree) must be completed in residence at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Students in Animal Science usually complete requirements for the Ph.D. degree in four to five years after the B.S. degree; two to three years beyond the M.S. degree.
Students in both M.S. and Ph.D. programs are encouraged to consider serving as teaching assistants in undergraduate or graduate courses. In addition, opportunities exist for students to gain first-hand Cooperative Extension experience by interacting with faculty specialists.
Master's Degree
- Memorandum of Courses Form (Form to be used for Master's Degree students in proposing programs of study to the Graduate College. This form must be filed before the student's program is one half complete.)
- Examining Committee Form (Internal form to be submitted with the Memorandum of Courses for Master's Degree Form. )
- Application for Graduation Form
- Final Examination Report Form (Form to be used for Master's Degree students. Note that the form allows a sequential list of activities beginning with the Written Comprehensive examination and ending with the recommendation for degree by the Graduate Dean.)
Doctoral Degree
- Program of Studies for Doctoral Degree Form (Form to be submitted to the Graduate College following the agreement of the student's Supervisory Committee on the doctoral program of study. The form should be filed after the completion of 30 hours of graduate study and before the completion of more than half of the total required hours of study.)
- Appointment of Supervisory Committee Form (Form to be used to appoint the doctoral student's Supervisory Committee. Please note that the Supervisory Committee is required to meet within three weeks of its approval by the Graduate College.)
- Application for Admission to Candidacy for Doctoral Degree Form (To be completed prior to the beginning of dissertation credit hour registration.)
- Application for Final Oral Examination or Waiver of Examination for the Doctoral Degree