The Animal Science Extension and Education Specialization is designed for students to be competitive for positions in applied animal science industries. This unique specialization combines scientific coursework with educational design instruction to prepare students for positions in higher education, extension, consulting agencies, corporations, and government organizations. Research focuses on development, integration, application and dissemination of knowledge in Animal science, and the teaching–learning process, communication, and leadership.
Opportunities for students in this major include:
Design, conduct, and publish original research in Extension and Teaching in Animal Science.
Apply concepts of educational theory to address producer needs in animal sciences.
Synthesize educational literature to develop rigorous program evaluation strategies.
Critique and evaluation of research literature and effectively synthesize data into an organized oral presentation and written publication.
Identify and assess teaching methodology applicable in various settings such as distance, face-to-face and blended learning environments for adult learners, higher education, youth learners, extension audiences and others.
M.S. Requirements
30 total credit hours: including 20-24 hours of regular coursework.
Thesis required, equivalent to 6-10 hours.
Recommended Minor (must complete at least 9 hours in Minor)
If student wants to work in 4-H extension, they should take 9 credit hours of youth development coursework
50% of coursework, including thesis must be Animal Science
Ph.D. Requirements
At least 90 credit hours: including 12 – 55 hours of dissertation research
Recommended Minor (must complete at least 9 hours in Minor)
50% of coursework, including thesis must be Animal Science
Extension and Outreach targeting youth (K-12):
Veterinary science career development online study guide improves student performance in high school FFA programs
The Nebraska 4-H equine advancement level program’s role in positive youth development using the five Cs model: An exploratory study
Extension and Outreach targeting adult learners or industry professionals:
Utilizing online resources to enhance distribution of competitive animal evaluation knowledge and benefits
Survey of management practices used in small grain silage production and their impacts on silage fermentation and nutritive value in Nebraska
University Teaching, Learning and Education:
Factors that influence students to choose animal science as their major.
Assessment of undergraduate student learning in an animal science major.
Veterinary student case study project leads to development of professional skills.
Implementation of a pet food pantry in a university food pantry.
Impacts of human-animal interactions on college students.
Students’ perception of online equine courses and how it affects their learning outcomes.
Undergraduate success in animal science courses based on demographics, motivation, and online courses.