Bruce McCullchBruce McCulloch

Bruce McCulloch was a man who did a lot through his writings to help the people of this state and surrounding states to better understand livestock and its related problems. He said, "Early in life I fell into the kind of work I like. I have enjoyed it. Maybe when I am finished with papers I have written and the talks I have given will have helped people just a little. I hope so." Besides helping adults with their problems, he wrote a book, Molly White Face, which explained the livestock business to children in their own language.

He came to Nebraska as a pioneer and all during his career he tried to stay away from what everybody else was doing but to go out on his own. He was a man of principles, but never forgot the lessons of accuracy, reliability, and dependability. Mr. McCulloch gave a very valuable service to every stockgrower, organization and feeder in Nebraska by his reports on market happenings and very informative editorials.