Rick Stowell
ProfessorAnimal Environmental Engineer
- Ph.D. 1997 - Michigan State University - Agricultural Engineering
- M.S. 1988 - University of Wisconsin - Agricultural Engineering
- B.S. 1985 - University of Wisconsin - Agricultural Engineering
- Instructor, Assistant Professor - Food, Agricultural & Biological Engineering, Ohio State University (1996-2000)
- Consultant - Self-Employed(1994-1995)
- National Pork Board Swine Innovation Award for multi-state Extension program The Ventilation System: Your Unseen Employee
- ASAE Educational Aids Blue Ribbons (2001, 1995)
- ASAE, American Society of Agricultural Engineers
- SE-301 (environmental physiology); SE-302 (controlled environment for animal structures); SE-403 (dairy housing)
- ASEE, American Society of Engineering Education
- NACTA, North American College Teachers in Agriculture
- MWPS, Midwest Plan Service, representative and member Executive Committee
- Animal Housing Systems
- Heat Stress Abatement
- Environmental Enhancement
- Control of Odor and Gas Emissions
- Stowell , R. R. Approved for funding 11/2006. Air Quality Extension and Education: Enhanced Learning Opportunities for Addressing Air Quality Issues in Animal Agriculture. USDA NRI Integrated programs, Proposal #2006-04721; $498,562 for 3 years.
- Stowell , R. R., C. Henry, D. Schulte, and R. Koelsch. Funded 2006. Odor Footprint Tool Demonstration: Assisting Rural Communities in Maintaining Air Quality, Nebraska Environmental Trust Fund, Project 06-166; $158,700 for 3 years.
- Stowell , R. R., C. Henry, D. Schulte, R. Koelsch, and D. Billesbach. Funded 2006. Facilitating the Use of the Odor Footprint Tool by Nebraska Pork Producers. National Pork Board, Project #06-141, as approved by the Nebraska Pork Producers Association; $32,000 for 18 months.
- Stowell , R. R., C. Henry, D. Schulte, R. Koelsch, and L. Koppolu. Funded 2004. Laying the Groundwork for Odor Control and Setback Estimation in Nebraska; National Pork Board, Project #04-180, as approved by the Nebraska Pork Producers Association; $30,600 for 2 years.
- Stowell , R. R., and R. Koelsch. Funded 2004. Limiting Risk for Odor Complaints through Site Evaluation and Use of other Appropriate Technologies; National Pork Board Educational Grant; $2,500 for 6 months.
- Erickson, G., D. Schulte and R. Stowell. Funded 2002. Science-Based Air Quality Data for the Beef Cattle Feedlot Industry and Rural Communities in Nebraska, ARD Interdisciplinary Grant, NEB-13-155; $19,500/year for two years from USDA-CRIS.
- Stowell , R., and M. Brumm; Funded 2002. Zone Heating for Wean-to-Finish Facilities: A Performance Comparison, National Pork Board, Project #02-194, as approved by the Nebraska Pork Producers Association; $6,525 for 15 months.
- Stowell , R. R., D. D. Schulte, R. K. Koelsch, and Chris Henry. 2006. Odor Footprint Tool progress: Regional output resources. 2006 Nebraska Swine Report, EC219 p. 15-21. Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska - Lincoln.
- Stowell , R. R., L. Koppolu, D. D. Schulte, and R. K. Koelsch. 2005. Applications of Using the Odor Footprint Tool. In proceedings: Livestock Environment VII, Proceedings of the Seventh International Livestock Environment Symposium, Ed. T. Brown-Brandl and R. G. Maghirang, p. 496-503. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI.
- Stowell , R., and C. Henry. 2004. The economic impacts of various public-policy scenarios for methane recovery on dairy farms. 2003-2004 Nebraska Dairy Report, p. 6-9. Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska - Lincoln.
- Stowell , R., S. Colgan, and M. Brumm. 2004. Thermal conditions within pens fitted with differing zone-heating options and resulting performance of newly weaned pigs in a wean-to-finish facility. 2004 Nebraska Swine Report, p. 34-39. Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska - Lincoln.
- Stowell , R. R., C. A. Gooch, and W. G. Bickert. 2003. Design Parameters for Hot-Weather Ventilation of Dairy Housing: A Critical Review. In: Proceedings of Fifth International Dairy Housing Conference. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI.
- Gooch, C. A., and R. R. Stowell. 2003. Tunnel Ventilation for Freestall Facilities – Design, Environmental Conditions, Cow Behavior, and Economics. In: Proceedings of Fifth International Dairy Housing Conference. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI.
- H. Sun, R. R. Stowell, H. M. Keener, and F. C. Michel. 2002. Two-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling of air velocity and ammonia distribution in a High-rise™ hog building. Transactions of the ASAE 45(5): 1559-1568.
- Keener, H. M., D. L. Elwell, T. A. Menke, and R. R. Stowell. 2001. Design and performance of a High-rise™ hog facility manure drying bed. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 17(5): 703-709.
- Stowell , R.R., H. Keener, D. Elwell, T. Menke, and S. Foster. 2001. High-rise Ô hog facility. In: Livestock Environment VI, Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium, p.273-282. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI.
- Stowell , R.R., C.A. Gooch, and S. Inglis. 2001. Performance of tunnel ventilation for freestall dairy facilities as compared to natural ventilation with supplemental cooling fans. In: Livestock Environment VI, Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium, p.29-40. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI.
- Stowell , R.R., R. Bucklin, and R.W. Bottcher (Editors). 2001. Livestock Environment VI, Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI.
- Bickert, W. G., B. Holmes, K. Janni, D. Kammel, R. Stowell, and J. Zulovich. 2000. Dairy Freestall Housing and Equipment, MWPS-7, Seventh Edition. Midwest Plan Service, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011.
- Stowell , R. R., H. Keener, D. Elwell, T. Menke, and S. Foster . 2000. High-Rise ä Hog Facility. In: Proceedings of the International Swine Housing Conference. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI 49085.
- Stowell , R.R., H. Keener, D. Elwell, T. Menke, and S. Inglis. 2000. Indoor air quality and pig performance within a High-rise ä hog facility. In: Swine Housing, Proceedings of the First International Conference, p.741-748. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI.
Other Useful links
- Title: Rick Stowell's Biological System's Engineering Webpage
URL: http://bse.unl.edu/rstowell2