2020 Alumni Reunion Weekend postponed until spring 2021

2020 Alumni Reunion Weekend postponed until spring 2021

Our 2020 Alumni Reunion Weekend has been postponed until Spring 2021. Please stay tuned to our alumni reunion weekend page at https://animalscience.unl.edu/alumni-reunion. We will host the Alumni & Friends Reunion and Block and Bridle Honors Banquet and recognize our undergraduate students as well as a Block and Bridle honoree. We will celebrate the rich history of our judging programs by recognizing all alumni from teams that competed in years ending with “0” (2010, 2000, 1990, 1980, 1970, 1960, etc) and "1" (2011, 2001, 1991, 1981, 1971, 1961, etc). We will also recognize a Young Alumni of Distinction, Undergraduate of Distinction, Graduate of Distinction, and a Distinguished Service Awardee aimed to recognize those alumni and friends who have achieved and supported our Department in an amazing way. We will keep you posted!

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