Welcome to Molecular Genetics Laboratory
The main focus of our current studies is to understand genetic and mechanistic basis of viral disease susceptibility. The objectives of the research are to identify genes, genetic variants, and molecular pathways that explain the variation in susceptibility to Porcine Circovirus 2 and other swine viruses. We integrate refined-molecular phenotypes that define disease status, with large-scale genotyping, host and viral genome sequencing, structural and functional annotation, genome-wide associations and infection models to validate genetic causality of infectious diseases.
Molecular Genetics Laboratory Current Members
Dr. Lianna Walker
Postdoctoral Fellow
Christian Eaton
Ph.D. Student
Emmalise Meyer
M.S. Student
Molecular Genetics Laboratory Alumni
Lianna Walker, PhD., Kylee Sutton, MS; Hiruni Wijesena, PhD; Emily Tosky, MS; Melanie Trenhaile-Grannemann, MS; Katherine Lucot, MS; Taylor; Engle, MS; Julie Tart, MS; Theresa Bohnert, MS