ENREEC Update - Cupp Lab Cattle Early Puberty Research
In this video story, we take you beyond the pasture and into the lab. Research physiologist Dr. Andrea Cupp (UNL Department of Animal Science) is studying heifer puberty focusing on early puberty to enhance herd longevity.

3 Questions with Ronnie
Chancellor Ronnie Green poses three questions about UNL's Animal Science program to Animal Science professor Andrea Cupp and sophomore Animal Science major Josie Ganser.

Innovative bovine-herd research boosts understanding of female infertility
Innovative research by University of Nebraska–Lincoln scientists studying the reproductive biology of cows offers significant long-term potential to address infertility challenges for women.

IANR VC Boehm on Cupp's Research on Cow Infertility
IANR Vice Chancellor Mike Boehm shares information about research into infertility in cows and the applications it might hold in developing treatments for women experiencing similar reproductive issues.