Support Animal Science

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Department of Animal Science provides quality educational and leadership opportunities to students and prepares them for careers in the ever-changing and diverse world of animal science. You can be part of ensuring student success and department excellence by contributing to one of the many University of Nebraska Foundation funds that support Animal Science.

Here are a few of your options:

These are just a few of more than 140 different funds that support Animal Science. Whether your interest is meat science, companion animals, equine science and equestrian programs or rodeo, there is likely to be a fund that matches your interest. If not, consider setting up an endowed fund that provides support to the department in perpetuity in your area of interest.

Planned gifts are established during your lifetime but received later by the foundation through your estate. Remembering the department in your will or trust is a simple way to make a significant contribution to the future of Animal Science at Nebraska.

windmill on east campus

Questions or need more information?

  1. Avatar for Marcia White
    Director of Development University of Nebraska Foundation University of Nebraska-Lincoln
    Work 402-458-1249
  2. Avatar for Jessie Mullendore
    Assistant Director of Development University of Nebraska Foundation University of Nebraska-Lincoln
    Work 402-458-1139