Welcome to Animal Genetics and Genomics Lab
The focus of the Animal Genetics and Genomics lab is to identify genetic variants that act to alter phenotypic traits, and to understand how the genome responds to stressors.
The lab also works to develop new tools (e.g., breed-specific reference genomes and functional annotation) to characterize breed-specific variation and genome regulation.
Finally, we work in studies of population genetics. These studies serve to characterize current population (breed) diversity, which allows for the monitoring of change in the future. Using pedigree or historic genotype data, we also examine past changes in diversity.
Why study animal genetics?
Genetic studies of animals are exciting for several reasons. First, by learning more about how genetics influence individual traits, we can use this information to improve animal health and production. Second, because of the unique population structure of domestic species such as cattle and horses (breeds that represent nearly closed populations of animals all with very similar genetics, and with many highly related individuals), we have greater statistical power to map genes and mutations in domestic animals than we would studying diverse, outbred populations. Finally, the gene(s) that influence an animals' susceptibility to disease, their patterns of growth and metabolism, and things such as coat (hair) color, are often under similar genetic control to traits found in humans. Agricultural species such as cattle and horses are often overlooked as potential systems in which to study biology and genetics of human disease and traits.
Animal Genetics and Genomics Lab Team
Anna Fuller
Research Technologist & Lab Manager
Nandhini Balasubramaniam
Visiting Scholar - Postdoctoral Researcher
Tiffany Hegdahl
Graduate Researcher
Mackenzie Batt
Graduate Researcher
Lauren Seier
Graduate Researcher
Hilala Yazar Gunes
Graduate Researcher
Addison Hillman
Lab Member
Ashley Llewellyn
Lab Member
Caroline Miller
Lab Member
Greg Treffer
Lab Member
Abigail Webb
Lab Member
Animal Genetics and Genomics Laboratory Alumni
Sara Nilson (Postdoctoral Researcher, 2022-24), Quantitative Geneticist - Neogen Corporation
Rachel Reith (PhD., Nebraska-Lincoln 2024), Postdoctoral Researcher at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Shauna (Tietze) Howe (Lab Manager, 2017-18), Technical Sales Specialist in Molecular Biology and Sample Prep - Thermo Fisher Scientific
Edward Rice (Postdoctoral Researcher, 2018-19), Senior Research Scientist at the University of Missouri
Josh Franzen (B.S., Nebraska-Omaha 2022), Research Laboratory Technician at the University of Michigan
Leah Treffer (B.S., Nebraska Wesleyan 2021), Graduate Student at Cornell University
Ibrahim Hussain (B.S., Nebraska-Omaha 2022), Peer advisor for the Health Care and Resource Center - University of Nebraska-Omaha
Charlet Reebenaker (B.S., Nebraska-Lincoln 2020), Clinical Study Manager at Celerion and Graduate Student at University of Nebraska – Kearney
Isabel Grazian, DVM (B.S., Nebraska-Lincoln 2018), Shelter Medicine Intern at Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine
Morgan (Parris) Kennon (B.S., Nebraska-Lincoln 2018), Data Analyst - Neogen Corporation
Caleb Kemnitz, DVM (B.S., Nebraska-Lincoln 2017), University of California – Davis Veterinary Medicine Intensive Care Unit Resident
Maci (Lienemann) Mueller (B.S., Nebraska-Lincoln 2016), Assistant Professor of Animal Breeding and Genetics at Kansas State University
Michele Gibbens (B.S., Nebraska-Lincoln 2014), Trainer - Nebraska Dog Trainers
Ryan Hagenson (B.S., Nebraska Wesleyan 2015), Biostatistician - Yale University School of Medicine
Kelsey Roberts (B.S., Nebraska-Lincoln 2022), PhD Student - University of California – Davis
Alexa Barber (M.S., Nebraska-Lincoln 2022), Research Technologist I - University of Nebraska Medical Center
Renae (Sieck) Schroeder (M.S., Nebraska-Lincoln 2021), Production Research Assistant at TransOva Genetics
Erin Duffy (M.S., Nebraska-Lincoln 2019), Technical Support Specialist - 10x Genomics
Rachel (Kubik) Burrack (M.S., Nebraska-Lincoln 2018), Research Technologist I - Nebraska Center for Virology
Taylor Barnes (M.S., Nebraska-Lincoln 2018), PhD student - Texas A&M