Animal Health, Welfare, and Precision Management Research

Assistant Professor Yijie Xiong looking at GPS data of cattle movements on a computer

Our research programs in Animal Health, Welfare, and Precision Management include both applied and basic research in multiple livestock and poultry species. Research projects directed by faculty members offer a wide range of opportunities for both undergraduate and graduate students.

Explore Our Labs

Woiwode Institute for Animal Husbandry

The Woiwode Institute for Animal Husbandry evaluates current practices and standards for the care and handling of animals in agriculture and research; and our research is dedicated to continually improving the welfare of animals and the people who care for them.

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NUtrack Livestock Monitoring

The NUtrack Livestock Monitoring System is a Computer Vision based form of Precision Livestock Technology that has the capabilities to accurately identify, maintain identification, and continuously track the behaviors of group housed livestock. 

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Ongoing Research Projects:

Animal Health Research

  • Investigate swine host immune responses to viral infection or vaccination 
  • Examine molecular characteristics of viruses circulating in swine populations 
  • Design vaccine antigens to promote broad protective immunity in pigs
  • Discovery of genes and DNA variants responsible for congenital disorders in horse and cattle
  • Discovery of host genes and DNA variants associated with viral disease susceptibility in swine
  • Develop new detection methods of viral pathogens
  • Understanding the role of the microbial food chain in methanogenesis and other metabolic disorders in ruminants 
  • Understanding the influence of host-genotype, gut microbiota and environment towards pathogen colonization in humans and livestock

Animal Behavior and Welfare Research

  • Quantifying human skill level and investigating the relationship between skill level and animal outcomes
  • Investigating the effect of handling facility design on cattle behavior, welfare, and performance
  • Developing objective measures of cattle handling proficiency
  • Understanding the complex etiology of tail biting and early recognition of tail biting events.
  • Determining the relationship between pig activity and behavior in relation to feeding efficiency
  • Identify changes in the general behavior of nursery pigs following an immune challenge.
  • Developing an early alert system for tracking compromised nursery pigs.
  • Evaluation of environmental enrichments for captive cheetahs
  • Identifying early-life activity traits of gilts with reproductive performance
  • Use of precision technology for improving animal inventory management on-farm and at the abattoir
  • Determining the heritability of activity traits and their potential for genetic selection
  • Selection of replacement gilts based on activity traits in development

Precision Livestock Management Research

  • Identifying innovative technology suitable for livestock and poultry research
  • Assessing alternative sensing technology to predict beef cattle body traits measurements
  • Using alternative sensing technology to quantify residual feed for feedlot cattle
  • Applying innovative measurement technologies with Internet of Things (IoT) for enhanced management for grazing cattle
  • Integrating IoT technology for air quality measurements in egg-laying and livestock operations
  • Applying machine/deep learning models to livestock animal research
  • Developing a machine learning and video monitoring platform (NUtrack) to track animal activity and monitor behavior

Meet the Faculty

  1. Avatar for Benny Mote
    Associate Professor & Swine Extension Specialist
  2. Avatar for Jessica L. Petersen
    Associate Professor
  3. Avatar for Ty Schmidt
    Associate Professor
  4. Avatar for Hiep Vu
    Associate Professor
  5. Avatar for Ruth Woiwode
    Assistant Professor & Animal Behavior and Well-Being Extension Specialist
  6. Avatar for Yijie Xiong
    Assistant Professor & Precision Livestock Management Extension Specialist
  7. Avatar for Amy Millmier Schmidt
    Professor & Animal Manure Management Extension Specialist
  8. Avatar for Tami Brown-Brandl
    Professor (Biological Systems Engineering)

Agricultural Research Division

Supporting the Science to Ensure Resilient Food Systems and a Healthy Global Future

Through the dedicated and innovative work of Faculty and Staff based in 15 Academic Units across the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources (IANR) and College of Human Sciences, the Agricultural Research Division is able to help address the grand challenges of global food and water security by working to answer questions important to Nebraska and the World.

researchers working on robotic farm equipment