The Department of Animal Science conducts research in a wide variety of areas. For more information about research efforts, please visit the areas below to learn more about our projects and labs.
Animal Health, Welfare, and Precision Management
Our research programs in Animal Health, Welfare, and Precision Management include both applied and basic research in multiple livestock and poultry species.

Breeding and Genetics
The breeding and genetics group is known for its historical and recent accomplishments in the development and application of quantitative genetics and molecular genetics approaches for improvement of beef, swine, poultry, sheep, and horses.

Extension and Education
Our Extension and Education research focuses on development, integration, application and dissemination of knowledge in Animal science, and the teaching–learning process, communication, and leadership.

Meat Science
Our meat science research ranges from animal growth and development, through fresh meats and processed/manufactured meat products.

Non-Ruminant Nutrition
The research program in non-ruminant nutrition includes both applied and basic research in poultry and swine species. Research includes the Omega Egg and non-fasting molt studies in layers for poultry, and protein and amino acid nutrition, nutritional evaluation of corn by-products, and vitamin supplementation for nursery pigs for the swine.

The general areas of research in physiology include factors affecting gonadal development (ovarian and testis) and sex differentiation, factors affecting embryo development and reproductive hormone research, and genes regulating egg and sperm function.

Ruminant Nutrition
Our ruminant nutrition research has focused on several general areas. One of the greatest efforts has been to explore the utilization in finishing diets of byproducts from the grain milling industry.