Quadrathlon Team

The Academic Quadrathlon competition is an annual competition sponsored by the American Society of Animal Science. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Department of Animal Science conducts a local contest to determine the team that will represent University of Nebraska-Lincoln at the Midwestern Section of the American Society of Animal Science Academic Quadrathlon competition. At the regional competition, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln team competes against other Midwest region schools.  Academic Quadrathlon Teams compete in four competitions: quiz bowl, lab practicum, oral presentation, and written test.

Meet Our Coach

  1. Avatar for Bryan Reiling
    Associate Professor, Livestock Production and Management Extension Specialist, & Animal Science Co-Undergraduate Teaching Coordinator Animal Science University of Nebraska-Lincoln
    ANSC C204a
    Lincoln NE 68583-0908
    Work 402-472-8960 On-campus 2-8960

When is it?

The local (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) competition will be held over two days, January 28-29, in the evening. Teams will be required to be present on both evenings and dinner will be provided to participants both evenings. Prizes will also be awarded.

Why Participate?

The competition provides students an opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge of animal agriculture and the winning team has the opportunity to participate in the regional competition that is conducted annually at the ASAS Midwestern Section meeting in Omaha, NE. Participants can also earn Experiential Learning credit for participating.

How Do I Sign Up?

For 2024-25, teams will consist of four undergraduate students from University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Team members may come from any University of Nebraska-Lincoln department or program. 

A registration link will be released soon.