Robert Ahlschwede

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Robert Ahlschwede

Honored in 1990


Family: Wife: Betty
Children: Carolyn, George, William, Robert

Robert Ahlschwede grew up on a farm in Seward county and graduated from Milford High School. He was married in 1939 and farmed in Saline and Seward Counties. In 1948, he bought an acreage on the edge of Beaver Crossing and began raising sheep. The family moved to their present farm at Crete in 1955, where they added a Registered Shorthorn herd, raised pigs and expanded sheep production-purebred Hampshires, Suffolks and Corriedales. Bob became involved with Angora goats in 1980 and presently has a herd of about 100 nannies.

Bob has played a very active and inspiring role in the sheep industry. He is President of the Nebraska Sheep Council. He has been a Director and President of the Nebraska Registered Sheep Breeders and a Charter member, Director and Vice President of the Sheep Council. Presently, he serves on the board of Directors of the Mid-States Wool Growers and of the American Sheep Industry. Bob organized the sheep markets reports on T.V. and played a vital role in the Sheep Check-off program. He was the original Chair of the Ram Test Committee and continuously participates in and supports the program.

Bob has been an inspiration to youth. He is known for his encouragement and support of the 4-H program and served as a club leader for 12 years. He has welcomed many judging teams and Block & Bridle groups to his operation and has provided livestock for workouts and contests. He has been named Honorary Chapter Farmer by 3 separate Future Farmers of America Chapters. The Sheep Production Class has viewed his management and breeding techniques, and listened to his enthusiastic philosophy of the livestock industry. Each student, whether University, high school, or 4-H Youth, came away from the Ahlschwede farm knowing a happy, successful person and his pride in their success.

Community and civic affairs have also attracted Bob's time. He was Saline County's Chairman for the Nebraska Centennial. He was a Czech Festival Volunteer, School Board president, Master of the Grange, and Director of Beaver-Tamora-Utica Men's Chorus. He is a member of St. Paul United Methodist Church.

Bob and his wife, Betty, are very proud of their four children and eight grandchildren. All of their children are graduates of University of Nebraska-Lincoln and have advanced degrees from other universities. Robert Ahlschwede has been a unique combination of fresh ideas, experienced judgment and unbridled enthusiasm for people, young and old, who are striving for progress.