Lianna Walker

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Lianna Walker

Post-Doctoral Research Associate Animal Science University of Nebraska-Lincoln




Ph.D., Biological Sciences (Genetics, Cell and Molecular Biology), University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2022
M.S., Animal Science (Animal Breeding and Genetics), University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2018
B.S.,  Forensic Science (Biochemistry), University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2016


  • Develop novel in vitro models using gene editing approaches to study the role of host genetics in viral infection
  • Investigate signatures of adaptive evolution within the host genome in response to viral pathogens
  • Train undergraduate/graduate students and host educational workshops for high school students
  • Investigating the role of host genes and genetic variants in susceptibility to diverse viral pathogens across livestock species, directed by Dr. Ciobanu
  • In vitro gene editing using CRISPR-Cas9 machinery to generate knockout or edited cell lines to assess host genetic effect on viral replication
  • Genetic dissection of host genome to determine source of variation in susceptibility to Porcine Circovirus 2 (PCV2), directed by Dr. Ciobanu
  • Analyze RNAseq data to dissect genes in major QTL region associated with PCV2 replication and assess gene expression for different QTL genotypes
  • Validate sequence polymorphisms using alternative sequencing methods and assess potential functional mutations using various bioinformatics approaches
  • In vitro PCV2b infection and gene silencing via siRNA transfection

Selected Publications

  • Lianna R. Walker, Erin Jobman, Kylee Sutton, J’Nan Wittler, Rodger Johnson, Daniel Ciobanu. Genome-wide Association Analysis of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus Susceptibility Traits in Two Genetic Populations of Pigs. Journal of Animal Science. 2019 May 31. pii: skz184. doi: 10.1093/jas/skz184
  • Lianna R. Walker, Taylor Engle, Hiep Vu, Emily Tosky, Dan Nonneman, Tim P.L. Smith, Thomas Burkey, Suresh Tikoo, Graham Plastow, Stephen Kachman, Daniel Ciobanu. Synaptogyrin-2 Influences Replication of Porcine Circovirus 2. PLoS Genetics. 2018 Oct 31;14(10):e1007750. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1007750
  • Lianna R. Walker, Emily Tosky, Kylee Sutton, Rhonda Griess, Marytza Abebe, Sarah Barnes, Tom Cunnigham, Steve Kachman, Merlyn Nielsen, Daniel Ciobanu. A 16.7 kb Deletion in Sipa1l3 is Associated with Juvenile Cataract in Mice* Mammalian Genome. 2017 Dec;28(11-12):515-519. doi: 10.1007/s00335-017-9720-9 (*Cover-page article)