Lena Luck

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Lena Luck

Associate Professor, Youth Equine Extension Specialist, & Animal Science Co-Undergraduate Teaching Coordinator Animal Science University of Nebraska-Lincoln


ANSC C204e
Lincoln NE 68583-0908
402-472-9098 On-campus 2-9098
Social Media

Dr. Lena Luck joined the Department of Animal Science in 2012 as an Extension Assistant Professor and Extension Equine Specialist, and currently serves as an Associate Professor and Extension Youth Equine Specialist. She serves as the Co-Undergraduate Teaching Coordinator and is the faculty advisor for the Nebraska Equestrian team, and faculty sponsor for the Discover Companion Animal and Equine Careers Learning Community. Dr. Luck is a member of the Equine Science Society and serves as the Treasurer and on the Board of Directors for the National Association of Equine Affiliated Academics (NAEAA).


Ph.D. Agriculture, West Texas A&M University, 2011
M.S. Animal Science, West Texas A&M University, 2008
B.S. Equine Business and Industry, West Texas A&M University, 2006


ASCI 252: Introduction to the Horse Industry and Management
Summary: Scope and role of the horse industry. Development and use of breeds, industry involvement and practices dealing with nutrition, breeding, marketing and management; selection of horses for use in breeding and/or performance based on current industry standards. Career options dealing with the horse industry.

ASCI 260: Basic Equitation
Summary: A study and application of basic equitation principles for the novice rider. Basic horse handling practices and adapting dressage maneuvers towards Western and English performance excellence is emphasized.

ASCI 271: Companion Animal and Equine Behavior
Summary: Companion animal and equine behavior. Application of behavior principles to describe normal and problem behaviors of common companion animals and horses.

ASCI 445: Equine and Canine Exercise Science
Summary: Physiological adaptations to athletic training in equine and canine athletes. Topics of emphasis include exercise-related adaptations in metabolism, locomotion, the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, and endocrine system. The roles of nutrition and conditioning programs on exercise.

ASCI 486: Animal Biological Systems
Summary: How to integrate information from the animal science disciplines to understanding animals as biological systems. The processes of growth, adaptation, and lactation. Analyzing the interrelationship of each discipline within animal production. Using case studies, scenarios, and problem solving assignments to examine how alterations in nutrition and metabolism, genetic makeup, endocrine profile and/or the environment impact or effect the animal as a whole.


My extension focus is providing youth extension horse programming in Nebraska including the development of several educational programs using a variety of delivery methods in equine sciences focused on youth audiences such as the 4-H Advancement Level program curriculum, horsemanship badges, and educational workshops held in person and online. I also serve as leadership for all state level horse contests such as Stampede, Fonner Park State 4-H Horse Expo, and State 4-H Rodeo. I also develop, prepare, and train leaders in equine sciences such as horse judging, advancement level examiners and club leaders.

Selected Publications

  • Speck, B.L.1, Luck, L.M., Karr, L.K., and Golick, D.A., 2023. Students’ Perception of Online Equine Courses and How It Affects Their Learning. NACTA Journal, 67(1). https://doi.org/10.56103/nactaj.v67i1.148 
  • Splan, R.K., Porr, C.A., Biddle, A.S., Luck, L.M., Cole, K. and Stowe, C.J. 2022. Perceptions of Teaching in Undergraduate Equine Programs During the COVID-19 Pandemic. NACTA J. (66), 253-263.
  • Karr, L.K., Luck, L.M., D’Angelo, N. and Conner, N. 2018. Veterinary Science Career Development Event Online Study Guide Improves Student Performance. J. Extension. August 2018, vol. 56 (4). https://open.clemson.edu/joejoe/2018august/tt9.php
  • Thompson, C.J.1, Luck, L.M., Keshwani, J., Pitla, S.K., Karr-Lilienthal, L.K. 2017. Location on the body of a wearable accelerometer affects accuracy of data for identifying equine gaits. J. Equine Vet. Sci. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0737080617306573
  • Pulec, K.E., Karr-Lilienthal, L.K., Anderson, K.P., Brink, D., and Luck, L.M.. 2016. Incorporating online interactive activities in animal science. NACTA J. 60 (1), 71-75. 
  • Cottle, L.M. and D’Angelo, N.2 2015. Online Leader Training Course: Nebraska Equine Extension Leader Certification. J. Extension. February 2015, vol. 53(1). https://open.clemson.edu/joejoe/2015february/tt5.php