Kathy Anderson

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Kathy Anderson

Professor & Horse Extension Specialist Animal Science University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Lincoln NE 68583-0908
402-472-6414 On-campus 2-6414
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Dr. Kathy Anderson joined the Department of Animal Science in 1991 as an Assistant Professor, and currently serves as a Professor and Extension Horse Specialist. She also coaches the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Horse Judging Team. Dr. Anderson is the Chief Financial Officer for eXtension Horses, is National Director of American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA), and serves as a judge for American Paint Horse Association (APHA), National Snaffle Bit Association (NSBA), and AQHA. She also is a member of the AQHA youth committee.


Ph.D., Animal Science, Kansas State University, 1991
M.S., Physiology of Reproduction, Texas A&M University, 1987
B.S., Animal Science/Agricultural Education, University of Nebraska, 1981


ASCI 300E: Principles of Horse Evaluation and Judging 
Summary: Conformation associated with equine structural form and performance standards. Evaluation of performance classes as governed by breed association standards and industry regulations. Presentation of oral reasons to defend selection decisions.

ASCI 311A: Horse Industry Study Tour
Summary: Provides exposure to the broad array of opportunities in the equine industry and increase the understanding of various disciplines within the horse industry.

ASCI 322: Equine Nutrition
Summary: Equine nutrition including digestive anatomy and physiology. Nutritional requirements of horses as related to growth, reproduction, and performance. The relationship of nutrition to disease and environment. Management practices and application of current equine nutritional research.

ASCI 342: Equine Reproduction
Summary: Anatomy and physiology of stallion and mare reproductive systems. Estrous detection systems, artificial and natural breeding techniques, infertility, semen collection and processing, reproductive management, and record keeping.

ASCI 400E: Advanced Horse Evaluation and Judging
Summary: Advanced horse judging and analysis. Evaluate conformation and score multiple performance events. The development and presentation of concise oral reasons to defend placing decisions.

ASCI 450: Horse Management
Summary: Light horse production. Nutrition, reproduction, management, housing, and principle usage of light horses.

AGRI 310: Study Tours in International Agriculture (Ireland Horse Industry and Extension)
Summary: Individual or group educational experience combining classroom lectures, discussions, and/or seminars with tours to broaden the student's knowledge of specific aspects of agriculture in some foreign country. A short-term, international group study of the horse industry and industry education (aka extension) in Ireland. Students will explore the differences between the U.S. and Irish horse industry by interacting with equine professionals in the industry, academia and government institutions. Emphasis is placed on learning about Irish history and culture with visits to various historical and cultural venues. Students will conduct small group projects/presentations throughout the course.


My extension focus is on the development of equine extension programming for Nebraska horse owners and enthusiasts which address the needs of the industry and educates owners on current issues and trends. I also provide national leadership for equine extension programming through eXtension Horses. Extension Horses, Inc., meets the educational and decision-making needs of the equine industry, allied industry partners, extension employees, and consumers by providing science-based information and learning opportunities through Internet-based initiatives.

Selected Publications

  • Anderson, K.P., K. Pulec, C.D, Skelly, A. D. Wright, E.A. Greene. 2020. Reach Versus Impact: Comparing Webinars and Online Short Courses for Educational Outcomes. J. Extension. 58: web published
  • Anderson, K.P., K. Pulec, C.D, Skelly, A. D. Wright, E.A. 2017. Greene. Reach vs impact: examining the value of online learning lessons compared to webinars for educational outcomes for the equine community. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 52:119. 
  • L. Brizgys, L., K. Anderson, S. TenBroeck, C. Brady. 2023. Increasing intercultural competency in undergraduates through an equine study abroad course. J. Equine Veterinary Science. Vol 124 May 2023. P 149 ISSN 0737-0806.(abstract).
  • Forster, D.J., C. Brady, K.P. Anderson, 2023. Needs assessment: Evaluating the interest in the Nebraska horse racing industry. J. Equine Veterinary Science. Vol 124 May 2023. P 147. ISSN 0737-0806.(abstract).
  • Parrish, B., N. Conner, C. Brady, K. Hiney, K. Anderson. 2023. Development and refinement of online horse judging resources: A mixed methods study. J. Equine Veterinary Science. Vol 124 May 2023. P 151. ISSN 0737-0806.(abstract).
  • Brady, C, K. Hiney, T. Fabus, K. Anderson. 2021 Conducting a virtual horse judging camp as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Equine Science Society Symposium June 2021 (abstract).