Arthur Thompson
Honored in 1947
Arthur W. Thompson's knowledge of psychology of selling, natural diplomacy and scrupulous fairness, has earned him the reputation of being one of the best auctioneers the livestock industry has ever known. He was a prominent figure, as auctioneer, in 38 states and Canada. He auctioneered at the National Ram Sale in Salt Lake City, Utah. Starting in 1925 he has served as auctioneer at the Nebraska State Fair 4-H Club auctions. But because of his busy schedule he worked primarily at Hereford livestock shows.
Mr. Thompson started pursuing his career as a livestock auctioneer in 1906, when he attended the Jones Auction School in Chicago. He apprenticed under T.W. Smith and for thirteen years, from 1909-1922, he was auctioneer in York County. In 1922, he was auctioneer of purebred livestock auctions in Lincoln.
Mr. Thompson recently established the Arthur and Viola Thompson Scholarship Fund with the University of Nebraska Foundation. The interest of this fund is to be awarded annually to an outstanding second semester sophomore or junior student in the College of Agriculture who is working toward a major in Animal Science.