Archie White

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Archie White

Honored in 1976


Born in Lincoln, Nebraska, Archie was outdoors right away on his father's farm near Bradshaw, Nebraska, in York County. After attending a rural school near Bradshaw, he entered high school where he was really active in school activities.

Upon graduation, he farmed with his brother, Ellis, for 3 years. Then Uncle Sam called him to duty, where he spent 4 ½ years in the armed services with stays in Panama, the Philippines and New Guinea. After his discharge from the service, Archie enrolled in the College of Agriculture at Lincoln in 1945. While in college, Archie was an active member of Block and Bridle as Chapter Historian and was elected membership to Gamma Sigma Delta, the honor society of Agriculture. Archie graduated in 1949 and went to work immediately for the George A. Hormel Company in Austin, Minnesota. After spending one month there, he and his family moved to Fremont, where they are living today.

Archie's position today is the Manager of the Livestock Extension, which involves Public Relations for the plant, Supervision of the Grade and Yield Dept., and he is a hog buyer.

Archie is quite often seen on the phone making contacts with producers, livestock organizations and youth groups around the Midwest. He is a man who is interested in the pork industry and its quality control from start to finish.

Archie is well respected in his judgments in the show ring. He is the superintendent of the Midwest Market Hog Show in Fremont that has been in existence since 1952. Archie has been a member of the Judges of Champion Committee at the National Barrow Show in Austin, Minnesota.

Archie is an advisor of the Nebraska Pork Producers' Council, received the first annual Pork Booster award in recognition of his leadership in the association, the Ak-Sar-Ben Special Recognition Award in 1971, and the past Illustrious Master of the Grand Council of Select Masters in the Masons. He is also an active member of the Fremont Chamber of Commerce and is a very active member of the First Baptist Church of Fremont.

Archie has a record of accomplishments that is representative of the time and effort put into what he likes to do: work with people.