Pen Riders & Processors Certificate Course

penrider on horseback with cattle in a pen

This is an online course to teach feedlot pen riders and processors safe horse handling and care of horses. The course content is also available in Spanish and is interactive, utilizing various types of multimedia. Subscribers can watch video tutorials and interviews by Extension feedlot professionals, take quizzes, survey, and exams. Upon completion of the course, a certificate is issued.

The core features of this course include how to select the right feedlot horse, general horse keeping, basic care of the horse, feeding, grooming, and foot care and shoeing. Subscribers will learn how to render first-aid and minimize injuries to the horse. Other features include caring for equipment and tools, such as saddles, pads and cinches, safe housing for the horses, correct practices to sort and move cattle, as well as to catch, halter, tie, and how to bridle a horse. It teaches about the types of halters, bits, tie-downs used and how to properly adjust each.

  • Registration fee is $25, which is good for 30 days.

Register Here

Topics include:

  • Selecting the right horse
  • Basic care, grooming and first aid
  • Tacking up and equipment
  • Foot care and shoeing
  • Feeding and conditioning scoring
  • Working cattle
  • General horse keeping in the feedlot
  • Types of halters, bits, tie downs and adjustments
  • Proper and safe handling methods to catch, halter, tie and bridle horses

For more information, contact:

  1. Avatar for Kathy Anderson
    Professor & Horse Extension Specialist Animal Science University of Nebraska-Lincoln
    ANSC C204
    Lincoln NE 68583-0908
    Work 402-472-6414 On-campus 2-6414
    Social Media