About Me
I grew up on diversified farm South of Nebraska City, NE. I currently live in Syracuse. My wife Lacy and daughters Brandy, Jenna, and Danica keep me busy outside of work along with the family farm. I have an Associate degree from Southeast Community College in Livestock Production, and a Bachelors degree from the University of Nebraska in Diversified Agriculture. In 2002 I was a student worker for Clyde Naber and then after graduation I became his assistant. After Clyde retired a few years back I became the building/livestock manager. Working with students, staff, and faculty keep my days interesting and enjoyable.
What is your position in the department?
Building/Livestock Operations Manager Animal Science
How long have you worked in the department?
20 Years.
What do you enjoying outside of work?
Spending time with family, archery hunting, fishing, mens fastpitch softball, golf, 4-point pitch tournaments, and also social events at the local pub. I also spend a majority of my off time at our family farm feeding and working cattle.
What is something most people don't know about you?
I played in competitive foosball leagues and tournaments during my 20's.