rider participating in barrel racing

Peta-Gaye Clachar

teachers learning in a seminar

Cattle Classes

This Working Ranch Horse DVD has been developed to explain and demonstrate the Nebraska Working Ranch Horse Class. Included are video clips from the Nebraska State 4-H Horse Show to explain the concept of the class as well as provide insight as to how the class is judged.

Working Ranch Horse DVD Judging Cattle

Presenting Oral Reasons in Horse Judging Contests

This DVD is a must for any horse judging team coach &/or team member. It demonstrates how to take notes, organize a set of reasons, plus deliver both reasons on a halter class and a performance class.

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Evaluating Western Pleasure

Judging Reining

Judging Western Riding

Judging Hunter Under Saddle


Conformation and Selection of Horses

Comparison of Basic Conformation

Judging Conformation

Judging Conformation