Horse Health Care & Diseases

a horse and a woman in a pasture


Identifying a Healthy and Sick Horse

What are the signs if a horse is sick vs healthy? This presentation will discuss what to look for in your healthy horse and what the warning signs are that it may be ill including vital signs, disease symptoms, pain, eye injuries and more. Presented by Kathy Anderson, PhD, University of Nebraska. (23 min)

an infographic about vaccinating horses


This presentation discusses the basics of how vaccines work. Learn the various methods of administration, different types of vaccines and their purpose as they apply to horses. Presented by Kathy Anderson, PhD, University of Nebraska. (31 min)


Vesicular Stomatitis in Horses, G1609 
Vesicular stomatitis causes blister-like lesions that when broken, cause painful ulcers. People and other mammals can contract this contagious disease from horses.

US Rabies Cases 2008 PDF (11 kb)