Lena Luck
Associate ProfessorYouth Equine Specialist
Ph.D. Agriculture West Texas A&M University, 2011
M.S. Animal Science West Texas A&M University, 2008
B.S. Equine Business and Industry West Texas A&M University, 2006
Extension Programs
- 4-H Horse Program
- Youth Horse Programs Work Group
- Horse Advisory Committee
- Adult 4-H Leader Certification Program
- Youth 4-H Advancement Level Program
- Online Study Courses for Advancement Level Program
- NE Equine Webinar Series
- Horse Adult and Youth Judges Training
- ASCI 252: Introduction to the Horse Industry and Management
Semester: Fall
Summary: Scope and role of the horse industry. Development and use of breeds, industry involvement and practices dealing with nutrition, breeding, marketing and management; selection of horses for use in breeding and/or performance based on current industry standards. Career options dealing with the horse industry. - ASCI 260: Basic Equitation
Semester: Spring
Summary: A study and application of basic equitation principles for the novice rider. Basic horse handling practices and adapting dressage maneuvers towards Western and English performance excellence is emphasized.
Referred Journal Articles
- Thompson, C. J., Luck, L., Keshwani, J., Pitla, S., Karr-Lilienthal, L. 2017. Location on the body of a wearable accelerometer affects accuracy of data for identifying equine gaits. J. Equine Vet. Sci. http://www.j-evs.com/article/S0737-0806(17)30657-3/fulltext
- Karr, L. K., Luck, L., D'Angelo, N. and Conner, N. 2017. Veterinary Science Career Development Event Online Study Guide Improves Student Performance. J. Extension.
- Pulec, K. E., L. K. Karr-Lilienthal, K. P. Anderson, D. Brink, and L. M. Luck. 2016. Incorporating online interactive activities in animal science. NACTA J. 60 (1), 71-75. https://nactateachers.org/attachments/article/2369/15%20%20Pulec_NACTA%20Journal.pdf
- Cottle, L.M. and D'Angelo, N. 2015. Online Leader Training Course: Nebraska Equine Extension Leader Certification. J. Extension. February 2015, vol. 53(1).
- Cottle, L., Baker, L. A., DeOtte, R. E., Auvermann, B. W., Pipkin, J. L., Topliff, D. R., Blaser, B. 2013. Composting Carcass Tissue in Controlled Composting Column. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 33(5), 366.
- Cottle, L., L. Baker, R. DeOtte, B. Auvermann, D. Parker, and J. Pipkin. 2009. Sodium pentobarbital residues in compost piles containing carcasses of euthanized equines. Proc. 21st Equine Sci.
Conference Proceedings
- Anderson, K. P., Luck, L., Karr-Lilienthal, L. 2017. Companion animal and equine open house provides interactive recruiting opportunity. vol. 52, pp. 123-124. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. http://www.j-evs.com/article/S0737-0806(17)30328-3/fulltext Status: Published
- Thompson, C. J., Luck, L., Keshwani, J., Pitla, S. 2017. Effect of sensor placement on acceleration data to monitor equine activity. vol. 52, pp. 65. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. http://www.j-evs.com/article/S0737-0806(17)30188-0/fulltext Status: Published
- Thompson, C. J., Luck, L., Karr-Lilienthal, L. 2017. Impact of horse program involvement on youth on development and life skills. vol. 52, pp. 123. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. http://www.j-evs.com/article/S0737-0806(17)30327-1/fulltext Status: Published
- Cottle, L.M. and L. Karr-Lilienthal. 2015. Behavioral changes associated with participation in 4-H horse programs. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 35, 449-450.
- Cottle, L.M. and K.P. Anderson, L. Karr-Lilienthal, and K. Pulec. 2015. Use of Soft Chalk technology in equine science classes to provide an interactive study tool. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 35, 450.
Extension Publications:
- Luck, L.M. 2017. 4-H Advancement Level 2 Online Study Course – new lessons developed.
- Luck, L.M. 2017. 4-H Advancement Level 1 Online Study Course – new lessons developed.
- Gunderson, R. and Luck, L. 2017. Knot tying videos. 4-H Advancement Level Study Course. Series of 4 Videos. YouTube.
- Cottle, L.M. and L.K. Karr-Lilienthal. 2015. Companion Animal and Equine School Enrichment/Afterschool Program – new lessons developed.
- Cottle, L.M. and L.K. Karr-Lilienthal. 2014. Companion Animal and Equine School Enrichment/Afterschool Program – new lessons developed.
- Cottle, L.M, Karr-Lilienthal, L. 2013. Improved Performance from Use of FFA Vet Science Study Website. Improved Performance from use of FFA Vet Science Study Website. Status: Published
Primary association: Extension - Karr-Lilienthal, L.K. and Cottle L.M., 2013. Veterinary Science. CDE, Animal Handling Videos. Series of 10 Videos. YouTube.
Extension Presentations:
- Luck, L., Nebraska Equine Webinar Series. Stampede. Extension, Webinar. (November 13, 2017)
- Luck, L., Nebraska Equine Webinar Series. Horse Nutrition and developing a feed chart for advancement level 3. Extension, Webinar. (September 11, 2017)
- Luck, L.M., Pure Nebraska. Animal Science Open House. Extension, Workshop, State, Invited. (October 20, 2017).
- Luck, L. Judging Halter. Nebraska Horse Judging School. Extension, Workshop, State, Invited. (April 22, 2017).
- Thompson, C., and Luck, L. Horses and Technology. Extension, Workshop, State, Invited. (March 1, 2017).
- Luck, L., and L. Karr. Stampede and Companion Animal Challenge. Extension, Webinar. (January 10, 2017).
- Luck, L.M., Pure Nebraska. Nebraska 4-H Horse Program. Extension, Workshop, State, Invited. (June 3, 2016).
- Luck, L.M. Adult 4-H Horse Judging Workshop. Judging Western Horsemanship. University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Animal Science, Extension, Workshop, State, Invited (February 29, March 31, and May 17, 2016).
- Luck, L.M. and L.K. Karr-Lilienthal. C & E Afterschool Educator Workshop. Extension, Workshop, State, Invited. (August 20, 2015).
- Cottle, L.M., Pure Nebraska. Nebraska 4-H Horse Program. Extension, Workshop, State, Invited. (June 5, 2015).
- Cottle, L., 4-H Employee Training, UNL Extension, "Youth Horse Extension Program", Extension, Workshop, State, Invited. (April 8, 2015).
- Cottle, L.M. Purina Horse Owner Workshop (HOW). Equine Body Condition Scoring. University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Animal Science, Extension, Workshop, State, Invited. (March 7, 2015).
- Cottle, L.M. Adult 4-H Horse Judging Workshop. Nebraska 4-H Horse Show Dress Code and Legal Bits. University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Animal Science, Extension, Workshop, State, Invited. (February 3, 17 & 24, 2015).
- Cottle, L.M. Adult 4-H Horse Judging Workshop. Judging Hunt Seat Equitation. University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Animal Science, Extension, Workshop, State, Invited (February 3, 17 & 24, 2015).
- Cottle, L., Horseman's Update. Non-traditional Feeds for Horses. University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Animal Science, Extension, Workshop, State, Invited. (January 27, 2015)
- Cottle, L., Horseman's Update. Bits and Attire: What's legal and what's not in NE 4-H. University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Animal Science, Extension, Workshop, State, Invited. (January 27, 2015)
- Cottle, L., Master Equine Manager Lecture, Iowa State University, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Animal Science, "Equine Feeds and Feeding", Extension, Workshop, State, Invited. (November 7, 2014).
- Cottle, L.M. Biosecurity Efforts and Concerns in the Horse Industry. LEDRS Conference, State, Invited. (July 8, 2014).
- Cottle, L., Animals Inside and Out. Skeletal System: Differences and Similarities between horses, humans, and companion animals. Extension, State, Invited. (May 7, 2014).
- Cottle, L., Master Equine Manager Lecture, Iowa State University, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Animal Science, "Equine Feeds and Feeding", Extension, Workshop, State, Invited. (April 19, 2013).
- Cottle, L. (Author Only), Extension in-service, University of Nebraska - Animal Science, Animal Science, "Composting and other equine carcass disposal options", Extension, Workshop, State, Invited. (February 27, 2013).
Areas of Expertise
Professional Highlights
Honors and Recognition
Recognition for Contributions to Students Award - Parents Association and UNL Teaching Council, 2015CASNR WEEK Outstanding Academic Advising nominee, 2015
CASNR WEEK Outstanding Teaching nominee, 2015
CASNR WEEK Outstanding Academic Advising nominee, 2014
CASNR WEEK Outstanding Academic Advising nominee, 2013
2nd Place Student Research Contest, West Texas A&M University, 2009
Championship Team at the NRHA Judging contest and 5th place individual NRHA Judging Contest, 2005
2nd place at IHSA Regionals Intermediate Equitation over fences, 4th place IHSA Zones Intermediate Equitation over fences and 6th place equitation over fences NCAA Varsity Equestrian Championship, 2003-2004
1st place at IHSA Regionals and Zones in Intermediate Equitation on the flat and IHSA National Qualifier, 2002-2003
Assistant Professor/Youth Extension Equine Specialist, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2015-PresentExtension Assistant Professor/Equine Extension Specialist, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2012-2015
Graduate Research Assistant/Assistant Equestrian Team Coach, West Texas A&M University, 2006-2011
Equine Science SocietyAmerican Society of Animal Science
National Western 4-H Roundup
United States Equestrian Federation
American Youth Horse Council