Chick Days is an annual educational event for small and back-yard poultry producers and youth to learn more about the poultry industry. The event is open to both youth (Ages 7-18) and adults (ages 19 and up).
This years event will be held from 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m., on March 16, 2024 at the Department of Animal Science, 3940 Fair St., Lincoln, NE.
Registration payments are preferably paid by mail to the address below prior to the event. Payments will also be accepted on the day of the event.
* Send Paper Registrations and/or Payment by Mail to:
Sheila Purdum
UNL—Animal Science
C206j Animal Science
Lincoln, NE, 68583-0908
Registration must be received by March 11, 2024
The event will feature speakers on the following topics:
- Pest Control and First Aid for Home Flocks—Ashley Bigge, M.S., Penn State Extension
- Finding your Favorite Exhibition Birds-Pros and Cons of Different Breeds for Show—Brett Kreifels, Extension Educator, Douglas-Sarpy Counties
- Workshop: Preparing for 4-H and FFA Poultry Judging Competitions
There will also be competitions in:
- Poultry Quiz Bowl (Youth and Adult/Youth Mixed Divisions)
- Egg Art (Adult and Youth Divisions)
- Bring single decorated egg of any size for display in a labeled egg carton
- Awards in the following Categories:
- Youth or Adult
- Division Prizes: 1st—$30; 2nd—$20; 3rd—$10
- Poultry Photography (Adult and Youth Divisions)
- Bring a 8 X 10 photo of your favorite bird/and or bird scene, etc.
- Please include name, Youth or Adult, and email and phone contact info on the back upper right hand corner of photo
- Youth or Adult
- Division Prizes: 1st—$30; 2nd—$20; 3rd—$10
***Please note that all Photography and Egg Art entries must be displayed by 9:00am on Saturday, March 16, 2024 in the UNL Commons display area. Entries may be mailed in ahead of time.
Questions? Contact Sheila Purdum or by phone at 402-472-6451.