Pork Meat Identification

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pork carcass
Pork Smoked Ham Center Slice

Smoked Ham Center Slice

Meat Cut: Ham
Cooking Method: Dry

Smoked Ham Shank

Smoked Ham Shank Portion

Meat Cut: Ham
Common Names: Ham Shank End
Cooking Method: Dry
This cut is the lower leg (shank) portion of the cured and smoked pork ham wholesale cut.

Smoked Ham Rump

Smoked Ham Rump Portion

Meat Cut: Ham
Common Names: Ham Sirloin End, Ham Butt End, Ham Butt Portion
Cooking Method: Dry
The small dark area near the top is the aitch bone. The aitch bone is the key to identifying this retail cut.

Smoke Ham

Smoked Ham, Boneless

Meat Cut: Ham
Cooking Method: Dry
This retail cut contains no bone and has a thin layer of fat covering. It is smoked and cured and comes from the pork ham wholesale cut.

Ham Shank Portion

Fresh Ham Shank Portion

Meat Cut: Ham
Common Names: Shank Roast, Leg Roast
Cooking Method: Dry/Moist
This portion of the fresh ham is the lower leg (shank) portion of the pork ham wholesale cut.

Ham Rump

Fresh Ham Rump Portion

Meat Cut: Ham
Common Names: Butt Portion, Pork Leg Butt, Fresh Ham Butt, Pork Leg Roast Sirloin Portion
Cooking Method: Dry/Moist
This is taken from the area next to the sirloin. It contains the round leg bone, muscle system characteristic of the leg and the aitch bone should be exposed.

Ham Center Slice

Fresh Ham Center Slice

Meat Cut: Ham
Common Names: Fresk Pork Leg Steak, Center cut, Leg of Pork Steak
Cooking Method: Dry/Moist
This cut is sliced from the center area of the pork ham. The cut is seldom more than one inch thick. It contains the leg bone and top, bottom , and eye muscles.