2022 Dressage Schooling Show & Clinic

Lady stares at a horse

Peta-Gaye Clachar

2022 Dressage Schooling Show & Clinic

Ride a Test and clinic registration: https://go.unl.edu/westerndressage
Awards: Ribbon Rosettes will be awarded thru 6th place in each class. High point Jr, AA and Open
riders for Western and
English overall will receive Champion and Reserve Champion Prizes.

Equipment: This show is both Nebraska Dressage Association and WDAA approve show. All WDAA
regulations will be followed to include equipment and drug use laws.
https://www.westerndressageassociation.org/western-dressage-rules- guidelines. Western Dressage Jr
riders are ages <18 on January 1, 2022.

USDF rules and guidlines will be adhered to four English tests and equipment. English Jr. Riders
are ages <21 on January 1, 2022. All riders must wear a helmet while mounted. No bareback riding
allowed and no dogs allowed.

Attire: WDAA show equipment and attire required (long sleeve shirt).

Stalls: There are a limited number of stalls available for rent during the day and evening prior to
the event. $30.00 - 1 bag shavings included. Contact Lori Jaixen at ljaixen2@unl.edu to reserve
ahead of time.

Payment and entries will be cash or checks payable to UNLET. All riders must be paid for prior to
receiving your number on competition day.